A (simple) classical algorithm for estimating Betti numbers

A (simple) classical algorithm for estimating Betti numbers

Simon Apers1, Sander Gribling2, Sayantan Sen3, and Dániel Szabó1

1Université Paris Cité, CNRS, IRIF, Paris, France
2Tilburg University, The Netherlands
3National University of Singapore, Singapore

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We describe a simple algorithm for estimating the $k$-th normalized Betti number of a simplicial complex over $n$ elements using the path integral Monte Carlo method. For a general simplicial complex, the running time of our algorithm is $n^{Oleft(frac{1}{sqrt{gamma}}logfrac{1}{varepsilon}right)}$ with $gamma$ measuring the spectral gap of the combinatorial Laplacian and $varepsilon in (0,1)$ the additive precision. In the case of a clique complex, the running time of our algorithm improves to $left(n/lambda_{max}right)^{Oleft(frac{1}{sqrt{gamma}}logfrac{1}{varepsilon}right)}$ with $lambda_{max} geq k$, where $lambda_{max}$ is the maximum eigenvalue of the combinatorial Laplacian. Our algorithm provides a classical benchmark for a line of quantum algorithms for estimating Betti numbers. On clique complexes it matches their running time when, for example, $gamma in Omega(1)$ and $k in Omega(n)$.

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We describe a simple algorithm for estimating the $k$-th normalized Betti number of a simplicial complex over $n$ elements using the path integral Monte Carlo method. Our algorithm provides a classical benchmark for a line of quantum algorithms for estimating Betti numbers.
While the runtime of naïve classical algorithms is exponential in $k$, the quantum algorithm of Lloyd, Garnerone and Zanardi runs in polynomial time if the spectral gap of the combinatorial Laplacian and the precision are at least inverse polynomial in $n$. This suggests that there can be an exponential quantum advantage for this problem.
Our algorithm further pins down the region where we can expect a quantum advantage: it runs in polynomial time if the spectral gap and the precision are constant. In the special case of clique complexes – that is particularly interesting for applications in Topological Data Analysis – we can go further: for example if $k in Omega(n)$ then we can afford inverse polynomial precision (if the gap is constant) or gap $Omega(1/log^2 n)$ (if the precision is constant).

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