Building Nigeria’s Bitcoin’s Village

Nigerija je edinstvena država v zahodni Afriki, ki se geografsko nahaja med Sahelom na severu in Gvinejskim zalivom na jugu v Atlantskem oceanu. Inflacija je trenutno več kot 18%, poniževanje denarja pa je včasih vsakdanji pojav. Če nikoli niste imeli nahrbtnika, polnega neuporabne naire, ne bi razumeli.

V krajih, kot so Accra, Ghana, the cost of living is among the highest in any African country. But Bitcoin can remove the trust factor of money from the hands of nefarious governments and broken monetary policy, which drive inflation and high costs of living across Africa.

A recent KuCoin report found that, of the 51% of Nigerians who have access to the internet, 86% are familiar with cryptocurrency as an investment vehicle. And a country like Nigeria, with boundless talent, full of entrepreneurs and developers looking for ways to solve the country’s numerous economic problems through the Bitcoin protocol, will have profound impact.

Preboj z Bitcoinom

For instance, a circular Bitcoin economy, similar to El Salvador’s infamous Bitcoin plaža, is being built there, and it could be just as significant and world-changing as its Latin American counterpart. The time is now to make Nigeria a place of tourism for Bitcoiners worldwide.

Ustanovitelja Satoshis Journal Jeremy Garcia in Oluwasegun Kosemani iz Satoshijev dnevnik delajo na izdelavi prvega doslej Bitcoin Village in Lagos, Nigeria. They plan to power it with solar energy, mine Bitcoin onsite, educate the local community on Bitcoin and create a synergy of Bitcoin Core development with a STEM lab.

This won’t be the typical village that you see in Africa, entrenched in steamy jungles with no internet connection — this place is going to create a new economy in Nigeria using Bitcoin.

Nigeria has had its fair share of fear, uncertainty and doubt in regards to Bitcoin, whether this has come in the form of a vladna prepoved dejavnosti s kriptovalutami ali v konkurenci z nacionalnim CBDC, the eNaira, kar prinaša več izzivov pri vzpostavljanju posvojitev pod vodstvom vlade.

Potrebuje vas

But this has not stopped Nigerians who see Bitcoin’s benefit in their daily lives. And creating a circular economy on a bitcoin standard could start with this Bitcoin Village in West Africa.

V promocijskem videu, Kosemani, who is breaking ground on the site, states, “We’re going to open up a Bitcoin village in Lagos, Nigeria. You would come here, spend your bitcoins, buy fish from the local fishermen, buy items from locals directly using the lightning network, and all that.”

Vodnjak za domačo vodo in sončni kolektorji bodo omogočili neprekinjeno tekočo vodo po vsej vasi in neomejeno oskrbo z energijo za napajanje šole, rudarske opreme, uličnih luči in bolnišnice. Posest je na zasebnem zemljišču v središču finančne metropole Lagos.

Prve faze gradnje bodo vključevale:

  • Surveying the property
  • Clearing land, which consists of lush jungle vegetation
  • Construction of a 2,500 square-foot school and a 120-person amphitheater
Entrepreneurs in Nigeria are building on the country’s growing interest in BTC and establishing Bitcoin Village, a safe haven for Africa.

The Bitcoin Village. Source: Kosemani.

As Satoshi Nakamoto detailed the motivation behind the development of Bitcoin in numerous writings, they framed the new protocol as a solution to the shortcomings of traditional money. This village will open up the possibilities of bitcoin’s peer-to-peer capabilities in Africa and it hopes to quell the shortcomings of corruption and money debasement there.

The Bitcoin Village will eventually also include the construction of a basketball court, soccer field and swimming pool. The village’s school curriculum will revolve around what money is and how bitcoin is money, and a regular school curriculum will also be implemented to meet local educational requirements.

Not only will locals have the best Bitcoin education as residents of the village, but tourists can also experience the store-of-value benefits of bitcoin, as well as its use as a payments rail at shops there.

The technology laboratory in the village has hopes of attracting the top technology talent in the region. Nigeria has proven to produce Bitcoin adroit developers, like BTrust’s Abubakar Nur Khalil, so fostering a new generation of developers for Bitcoin’s protocol is a win-win. The STEM program will eventually include programming for Bitcoin, building nodes and servicing miners. The undertaking is massive, but the power of Bitcoin is even more significant.

Upon construction of the first phase of the Bitcoin Village, sponsor Botmecash bo vasi podaril 1 BTC, ki ga bo uporabil kot prvi korak pri vzpostavitvi suverenega krožnega gospodarstva, tako kot Bitcoin plaža začel.

Ustvarjanje zgodovine Bitcoinov

In conclusion, Nigeria is in a unique position in Bitcoin history, and although it has not yet officially declared bitcoin as legal tender, many of the people that live there see it that way.

Upon completion, the Bitcoin Village will host a conference both virtually and in person with the plan to open source the Bitcoin Village idea to the world. Currently, the Bitcoin Village expects to be completed by the anniversary of the first Bitcoin client release, januarja 9, 2023.

Kot države, kot sta Salvador in Srednjeafriška republika accept bitcoin as legal tender, Nigerians are building something special of their own. Stay tuned, because the moment that innovation in the Bitcoin ecosystem seems stagnant, new businesses, solutions and ideas are being propelled ahead with conviction that the best digital monetary asset man has ever created is here to stay.

This is a guest post by Dawdu M. Amantanah. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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