Taki Games & NFT Studio Two3 Labs lansirajo igro 'Puzzle Smoofs', da spodbudijo splošno sprejetje Web3

Taki Games & NFT Studio Two3 Labs lansirajo igro 'Puzzle Smoofs', da spodbudijo splošno sprejetje Web3

Taki Games & NFT Studio Two3 Labs Launch ‘Puzzle Smoofs’ Game To Drive Mainstream Adoption Of Web3 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Singapore City, Singapore, February 29th, 2024, Chainwire

Taki igre, the leading social gaming network that allows users to earn real money rewards, is teaming up with the cross-chain Web3 entertainment studio Two3 Labs to create and launch a highly-addictive mobile game that utilizes the popular Smoofs NFT collection.

While the Puzzle Smoofs game is currently in development, the team has been progressing rapidly and expects to launch it on the Taki Games network in March 2024.

The launch of Puzzle Smoofs adds to a fast-growing library of games on the Taki Network, where it will sit alongside popular Web3-branded titles such as Game7 Food Fighter and Pac-Cats.

Taki Games’ mission is to bring the billions of mobile gamers into Web3 through its gaming network, and is doing so in partnership with leading Web3 brands and communities that are expanding their reach through gaming.

With its decentralized gaming platform, Taki Games is revolutionizing the way we play mobile games by adding incentives, tokenized rewards and ownership of gaming assets to provide greater value to gamers. Its player-owned network supports reward-earning opportunities that will enable developers to share the revenue their games bring in with the player communities who are an integral part of their success.

This concept, known as “play-to-earn” gaming, has seen rapid growth in the last few years following the success of hit titles such as Axie Infinity. But to date, the earliest Web3 games face a real risk of token hyperinflation, due to their poorly thought-out tokenmomics. Taki Games aims to fix this broken model by channelling value from the $200 billion+ traditional gaming industry into its clever rewards system, built around the TAKI token.

The TAKI token sits at the heart of Taki’s “Takinomics” model that helps to ensure the value of in-game tokens and ensure players can earn genuine rewards from playing their favorite games. It utilizes a novel buy-and-burn mechanism to incentivize gamers to generate revenue while engaging with games.

Ekipa Taki Games vključuje ustanovitelje Kabama, enega prvih pionirjev brezplačnih mobilnih in družabnih iger.

Smoofs, which launched in December 2023, has rapidly grown to become one of the most popular NFT collections on the Polygon blockchain. It features one of Polygon’s most engaged communities and has already generated a trading volume of more than $300,000 in the two months since it launched, creating strong demand for the MOOVE token that sits at the heart of Two3 Labs’ ecosystem.

The Smoofs NFTs are highly prized for their unique artwork and its vibrant community, and the launch of the Puzzle Smoofs game will dramatically expand the utility and appeal of the collection, giving NFT holders a way to interact with their NFTs beyond traditional experiences.


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Pred uvedbo Smoofsa je ekipa Two3 Labs zaslovela na zadnji strani svoje zbirke Cow Cow NFT na MultiversX, ki je od februarja 2 ustvarila obseg prodaje, ki presega 2023 milijona dolarjev.

Po mnenju Sorina Diaconuja, soustanovitelja Two3 Labs:

»Smoofs je več kot le zbirka NFT – je blagovna znamka, osredotočena na skupnost, zgrajena za revolucijo koncepta zabave v Web3. Smoofs predstavlja živahna skupnost in vesolje likov, ki so osvojili srca mnogih. To sodelovanje s Taki Games in Two3 Labs je za nas pomemben mejnik, saj združuje meje med NFT-ji in igranjem iger ter ponuja običajnim igralcem inovativen način sodelovanja z našo blagovno znamko in skupnostjo. Navdušeni smo, da vidimo, kako bo ta igra s Taki Games prinesla kulturo Smoofsverse in Web3 glavnemu igralnemu občinstvu.”

Weiwei Geng, izvršni direktor Taki Games, je dodal:

»Naše poslanstvo je privabiti običajne igralce iger v kripto tako, da postanemo Zynga podjetja Web3. Poleg izdelave zabavnih iger, ki uporabljajo vodilne tokenomske modele na trgu, smo tudi navdušeni, da našim milijonom igralcev približamo kulturo Web3 s partnerstvom z neverjetnimi zbirkami, kot je Smoofs. Z integracijo Smoofs IP v to igro igralcem ne zagotavljamo le resničnega lastništva nad sredstvi v igri, ampak tudi ustvarjamo novo pot, da blagovne znamke sodelujejo s svojim občinstvom na smiseln in interaktiven način. Ta konvergenca iger in NFT-jev je pripravljena preoblikovati prihodnost zabave in digitalnega lastništva.«

Since its pivot to Web3 gaming, Taki Games has grown by more than 3,000% to become one of the top 15 dApps on Polygon in terms of unique active wallets (UAW), and one of the top 70 across all blockchain networks, according to data from Dappradar. What’s more, TAKI’s trading volume has surged from as low as $300,000 per day at the end of 2023 to an average of more than $13 million per day by mid-February, while its mobile application has achieved more than 5 million installs on Android devices, according to Google Play.

The stunning growth of Taki Games’ network provides real-world proof of the sound fundamentals of its Takinomics economic model, with more than 1 million TAKI already bought back and burned, according to Dune. The collaboration between Taki Games and Two3 Labs is yet another example of the exciting possibilities the merger of Web3 and traditional gaming will create.

Medtem ko igralniška industrija raziskuje nove priložnosti za rast in sodelovanje, lahko integracija digitalnih sredstev v igranje iger spodbudi večjo angažiranost in ustvari večjo vrednost za vse deležnike, kar napoveduje novo obdobje za vse z novimi možnostmi za vse, ki so fanatični nad video igrami.

O igrah Taki

Taki Games je na misiji privabiti igralce in prihodke v verigo z usklajevanjem spodbud med igralci. Taki Games kot vodilno igralniško omrežje za mobilne naprave omogoča zvestim igralcem, da si prislužijo lastniški delež pri rasti omrežja in delijo nagrade. Taki Games, ki jih je ustanovila ekipa z več kot 15-letno zgodovino pionirjev v igričarski industriji, ponuja brezplačne igre, ki uporabnike nagrajujejo z žetoni TAKI.

Več o tem: https://www.takitoken.net/

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