对话商务:如果您不购买,那么我们的算法就不够好 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。


Conversational Commerce: if you’re not buying, then our algorithms are just not good enough… That’s why we are still working on them!

对话商务:如果您不购买,那么我们的算法就不够好 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

0. Before we start

To begin with, let’s define what conversational commerce is all about: it’s a kind of commerce that is done via various means of conversation. Sounds simple, right? Chatbots on messaging apps or websites and voice assistant using speech recognition, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence — they all contribute to an exciting shift in the world of tech and business.

电子商务中的会话系统是可以与客户进行书面或口头对话的智能机器。 它们的使用旨在通过引导交互来改善客户体验。

因此,电子商务是最直接面对客户的行业之一,直接的个人经历和社交对话定义了品牌价值。 这是一种自动化的技术,由规则和人工智能提供支持,使在线购物者和品牌商可以通过聊天和语音界面相互交互。

1. Bots know the user better than he knows himself

大多数人想与朋友或家人聊天时,首先会发短信给他们。 还没到企业这太疯狂了!


实际上,对于企业而言,通过AI提供客户服务通常更具挑战性,因为与直接订购相比,用例数量更多。 在建立对话式业务时,企业将不得不从这个新的角度重新想象他们的客户关系。

While conversational commerce is quite similar to the in-store retail experience, it’s not exactly the same. It’s a quick interaction (a logged cadence of product-related questions) rather than an extended conversation that’s so typical when it comes to human-to-human talkativeness. Moreover, one will inevitably conclude that it’s fast and it’s getting even faster!

2. Bots use this knowledge to sell goods in a perfect way

Conversational Systems are everywhere — it’s not just about Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Assistant. They’re embedded in our phones, applications, voice assistants, business chatbots, and even cars. Among consumers who use voice AI, like Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant, 51%的人将它们用于产品研究 有将近四分之一的人用它们进行购买。 现在考虑一半以上 到2022年,美国居民将积极使用移动通讯应用程序, and you can start to realize where e-commerce is headed.

Chatbots are becoming an important touchpoint for customer experience: the user experience, the layout, the tone of voice and the approach (formal or informal) are the key elements for chatbot success.


会话式商务实现了与客户的双向通信。 零售商正在等待使用大量的用例,这些用例可以帮助他们吸引潜在客户,增加销售,追加销售和交叉销售,做出明智的决定,提供个性化的体验,并且最后但并非最不重要的是提高客户满意度!

3. Conversion rate is crazy because you’re selling in the dialog

People have been using conversation to drive sales and make customers happy since humans first began trading.

However, what is new to conversational commerce is that it is powerful not only because it makes the automated interactions between the brand and the consumer feel so much more human, but because it reduces the number of steps the customer has to take to complete the action.

根据一些报告,以正确的方式使用对话式商务的商店可使年收入增长7%到25%。 47% 的用户愿意通过聊天机器人购买商品。 71% 的用户愿意通过消息传递应用程序接收客户服务。 平均而言,用户愿意花费 超过$ 55 购买聊天机器人。

更重要的是,a Gartner的报告 预测到2020年,超过85%的客户交互将由AI来管理,而无需人工干预。

以人为本的设计是一种通过人性化流程和利用先进技术来创建“体验系统”的方法。 通过设计个性化是一种通过设计交互样式,人性化客户接触点和用户体验来实现聊天机器人个性的方法。


4. Success Secrets of Conversational Commerce


1. Nobody likes bot’s, for real. Customers talk to bots like they are humans

When bot says ‘Hi,’ people say hello back. People engage in that conversational manner — no matter what platform you use

2. Choose risk or rational way: Make it crystal clear when the customer is talking to a bot — or blame yourself.

You should choose, allow people to understand when they’re speaking to a bot vs speaking to a human as early learning. Risk way can really confuse people — customers want to know the truth.

3. AI intent recognition and NLP-support surely face certain challenges but create opportunities as well

然后,企业可以使用数据使交易更加顺畅,轻松,愉快。 但是在任何早期阶段或在学习误解客户的过程中,这将是一个严峻的挑战。

4. Conversational commerce is not about only text. Use visual as well!

Chatbots have many features, not only text or emoji. By using CRM and flows businesses are able to re-use mostly the same flows and dialog. Product images, video, links, and other visual information can also be presented to the user.

5.是的,对话商务是一种新的炒作。 作为任何新技术

Be where your customers are. That’s long been the first rule of survival for any business. Every day billions of people turn on their phones and computers to access Messenger, WeChat, Slack and other platforms to connect.

And all these consumers never want the same thing, they always want something new. Considering this, using conversational commerce you will most likely have a consistent experience in the eCommerce business and moreover, you can have that experience at scale. That’s a great opportunity that isn’t there to be wasted.


5. Benefits of Conversational Business Systems in eCommerce



2. Accurate and Scalable Results

聊天机器人助手可以在许多情况下提供及时,准确和量身定制的体验,尤其是电子商务中的客户服务。 成本低廉/自动响应,易于扩展和适应。


Meet your customers on their terms and make it easier for them to engage with you. Yes, that’s right — you need to make your customers and employees feel happy, isn’t that so?

Conversational Business Systems have enough power to redefine the way your business operates. I’ve run ROI analyses across different industries and business functions — and the sheer potential is incredible. More people have this long-awaited chance to dedicate time to tasks they enjoy while the machines handle more arduous ones.

6. How to start with Conversational Commerce: BRAIN

考虑到这一点,BRAIN定义了一个新的 会话商务平台BRN.AI,其中聊天机器人是根据封闭域会话系统的基本原理构建的。


If you’re looking for it on a distant horizon, you’re looking the wrong way since the era of conversational commerce is already here.

对话商务:如果您不购买,那么我们的算法就不够好 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

会话商务:如果您不购买,那么我们的算法还不够好 最初发表于 聊天机器人杂志 在媒体上,人们通过突出和回应这个故事继续谈话。


更多来自 聊天机器人杂志