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Airline Chatbot by PopcornApps | Transform the Air Traveler experience
Airline Chatbot by PopcornApps

Every business can benefit from improving customer experience and increasing employee productivity, but for industries affected by volatile external factors, this is especially essential. The airline industry faces unavoidable risk from the weather, fluctuating fuel costs, and geo-political events, among other external variables. But while these factors remain to a large extent outside their control, airlines often experience higher levels of customer dissatisfaction and decreased worker satisfaction and productivity as a result.

Customers, too, have changed. They’re fickle and swap providers without hesitation. There are several behavioral factors impacting airline customer loyalty today:

改变 Air Traveler 体验 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。
  • Frequent-flier programs have become more complex and spend-based. They lack differentiation, putting the loyalty of even the most frequent of frequent fliers at risk.
  • We live in an era in which mobile app engagement has become increasingly difficult. Users have become extremely selective about the apps they choose to download and keep on their phones.
  • 消息传递平台的兴起以及其日益强大的功能,不仅包括可视卡和语音在内的文本,还为用户提供了更为崭新的功能。
改变 Air Traveler 体验 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

研究表明,航空公司已经意识到改善数字接口的重要性。 航空人工智能市场有望达到 $ 2.2十亿的2025; 实际上,根据SITA的2017年“乘客IT趋势调查”,将近90%的客户是使用自助服务技术预订航班的。 当行李自动收集和追踪时,有64%的乘客在线办理登机手续,并且乘客满意度大大提高。

在这种气候下,为客户提供从预订到机​​上娱乐到行李追踪等全方位,便捷,个性化的数字体验已变得至关重要。 在竞争异常激烈的行业中,航空公司正争先恐后地为客户提供无障碍,愉悦和便捷的客户体验。 尽管预测和改善外部因素影响的能力仍然很有限,但航空公司必须将重点放在他们可以控制的方面:用户体验。

改变 Air Traveler 体验 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

诸如Facebook Messenger,Skype和WhatsApp之类的消息传递平台的普及为航空公司提供了现成的用户基础。 如今,在这些平台上的用户数量巨大(Facebook Messenger拥有1.3亿用户),充分利用这一基础是很有意义的。 这些平台上的聊天机器人可以提供移动应用程序的所有功能,而无需下载或注册。 访问和使用聊天机器人就像将联系人添加到消息传递平台一样简单。

A sophisticated, customizable chatbot can transform the user experience for every customer — be it the jet-setting frequent flier or the deal-seeking budget-conscious vacationer. With NLP and guided language flow, bots can be intuitive and easy-to-use. They can expedite anything from booking to check-in to baggage tracking and will proactively notify customers about the status of their flight, gate changes and pre-departure information. While booking a flight, results can be sorted by price, departure and arrival time, number of stops and duration of flight. Although this functionality is already available on mobile apps, a bot provides much-needed simplification and streamlining of access.


Our bot extends support across enterprise functions. It can help employees and ground staff with disruption management to alleviate long lines at counters. It can provide boarding assistance at gates and allow gate agents to respond promptly to queries about seat assignments and baggage check, while they focus on their core responsibility to turn around flights safely and efficiently at the gate. It can also send notifications to on-call staff, seek confirmations if they need additional staff, and offer live polling support for shift bidding.

Our bot also assists with customer support — FAQs (baggage allowance, tracking, insurance, routes, in-flight menu and entertainment), PNR management (reservation, changes and cancellation), Member and Frequent Flier queries, and case management. With its multilingual capabilities, it can also do this in Spanish! Or another language of your choosing.

改变 Air Traveler 体验 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

我们使用 微软Bot框架,利用API和现有基础架构来创建一个通用的漫游器,该漫游器可以以最少的工作部署到多个渠道中。 我们已经与全球分销系统(GDS)服务公司Amadeus合作,该公司管理着全球200多家航空公司的乘客服务系统,并且与另一家重要的GDS公司Sabre一起工作。 我们可以使模板适应各种平台,包括 Facebook Messenger, Skype, 柯塔娜, Kik的使者 and Web Chat, as well as create Custom Apps.

我们已经为 英国铁路印度铁路 (世界上最大的铁路系统之一)。 通过我们的合作伙伴关系,技术专长以及对行业的了解,我们灵活地设计了定制解决方案,这些解决方案具有成本效益,但性能一流,效率高且特别适合您的组织。

您完美的聊天机器人只是一个 点击 远。

最初发表于 爆米花应用 10 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日。

Airline Travel Management, Demystified by A.I.
Our Conversational A.I. Solutions and ready-made Templates for the Airline Industry (www.popcornapps.com/airlines)

Link to UK Rail Chatbot · Link to Indian Rail Chatbot

改变 Air Traveler 体验 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

改变 Air Traveler 体验 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

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