聊天机器人如何改变教育移动应用的游戏规则? PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。


聊天机器人如何改变教育移动应用的游戏规则? PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。


It will not be an exaggeration to say that they have completely changed the way students of all ages study, and the overall landscape of education has evolved for good.

Education App Development Companies coming in, there are a host of online educational mobile apps for readers of every age. Schools also recommend online educational mobile app these days to reinforce and supplement in-class sessions.

研究 suggests that the size of educational mobile apps is going to rise by CAGR of more than 27% by 2022, which marks it as one of the fastest-growing segments in mobile apps.

Home-grown apps like StuDocu and Byju have also witnessed exemplary growth in the last five years and is turning out to be the primary source of learning outside classes for all kinds of courses.

Some Factors That Govern the Impact of a Session, Online, as Well as In-Class, Are:

1.整个主题的360度视角 — Teachers who leave open ends while teaching often leaves students confused.

当一个人学习时,他们就会开发出该概念的思维导图。 当思维导图不完整时,学习充满混乱。

2.教学方式 — Some teachers have a habit of giving interesting examples to teach. Some others make learning extraordinarily interactive and fun.

3。 订婚 — When students engage themselves during the session, they tend to learn better.

4。 反馈 — A student remembers positive as well as negative feedback. Research suggests that feedbacks help reinforce a person’s mind-map. Examinations are the traditional feedback mechanism; in the case of app- based learning, they are online assessments.


This is a gap that is still unaddressed and also a massive opportunity for improvement and innovation in the sector.



Chatbots are an artificial intelligence-based solution that relies on natural language processing and native language generation to address certain aspects that existing mobile apps are missing, for e.g., Instagram的机器人.


The best success story about chatbots in present times is their usage by financial organizations to address specific client requests without having to call or visit a branch.

聊天机器人还广泛用于具有传统开发密集型用例的场景中。 原因是他们严重依赖历史数据和对话流程。

An advanced version of a chatbot is Amelia that has received a lot of acceptance across domains.


Now, coming back to the education sector where a real-life human teacher imparts its learnings to pupils through innovative methods and further reinforces it by asking and answering questions, a chatbot might work like magic.

To Base This Claim, Let Us Compare the Gaps in Educational Apps and Chatbot Offerings

聊天机器人如何改变教育移动应用的游戏规则? PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

1. 360度视图: A trainer uploads a video of an exhaustive lecture to explain a concept. The difference comes when a student is faced with a doubt that they cannot ask anyone online.

The chatbot window pops up and asks — what can I do for you today? The AI-based tool has already recorded the current context to answer the question.


If not able to answer, it says — “I am sorry, but you may have to reach out to an expert on this.” Voila! That is how we upsell.

2.教学方法 — During the course, the chatbot seeks student feedback. The student shares feedback, and the chatbot utilizes its intelligent system to suggest — Would you like to refer courses from another faculty? Would you like to change the language mode?

The student can have a better learning experience than it would have had earlier. If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, chatbot connects him to a manual expert again.

3。 订婚 — The student is faced with doubt in the middle of the training. He types the same in the chatbot that is present to the right side of the training window.


The student can clarify small doubt without having to google into more pages — a straight cut method to retain student attention and reinforce learning with zero confusions.

4。 反馈 — At the end of the course, the student is asked to give a small test to check his understanding. Unlike a traditional MCQ window, the questionnaire is administered by the chatbot.



Using chatbot enables the consumer to have a better experience and also allows the provider to receive better feedback on their courses.


Benefits That a Chatbot Can Offer in Educational Mobile Apps

聊天机器人如何改变教育移动应用的游戏规则? PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。
  1. Answering questions that a child may not be able to ask in a classroom setting due to peer pressure and fear of mocking by teachers and friends.
  2. Slow learners can attend the same training multiple times and keep brushing up on doubts and confusion to get at par with others.
  3. 快速学习者可以寻求聊天机器人的建议,以了解他们下一步将要学习什么课程,而不必在教室里等待。 他们还可以提出一些问题,例如使他们能够在特定的兴趣领域中成长的主题或培训模块来回答特定的问题。
  4. 适龄的学生可以依靠聊天机器人来寻找父母或老师未曾回答过的答案。
  5. Students who have a habit of asking too many questions can happily tinker with the chatbot to satisfy those inquisitive pangs now and then.
  6. Customization of chatbot will enhance the comfort level and engagement of the student at every age.
  7. A chatbot can turn to be a personal counselor to children at a crucial stage that may decide how they may develop their careers.
  8. A chatbot can be a personal assistant that helps the child plan their courses to complete all topics before the d-day.
  9. 聊天机器人可以通过单击按钮来寻求学生的反馈以进行改进。 它也可以用来设计学生资料,以最好的方式指导他们。

Things You Need to Take Care for Ensuring That Chatbots Can Add Value to the Existing Offerings

  1. 培训和语言模型应健全而详尽。 对于学生而言,训练有素的系统比没有聊天支持的情况还要糟糕。 原因是它可能会使孩子感到困惑或将整个应用程序解决方案描述为有缺陷且效率低下。
  2. The chatbot should not slow down the overall system. Integrating a chatbot into the existing system should be seamless, so it does not lead to other performance issues in the system.
  3. Security is a concern that has to be taken care of at all times. Chatbots should be galvanized against misuse by hackers since they are directly deriving information from the core database to learn from every experience. The chatbot should be able to identify a malicious user and notify the security team.



Many remote villages across India rely on online education to learn. The introduction of chatbot needs to be such that it percolates to every level of users.

With time and increased penetration, businesses are bound to uncover further innovative ways to enhance the educational experience and make a social difference that they are capable of.



Harikrishna Kundariya,营销人员、开发人员、物联网、ChatBot 和区块链专家、设计师、联合创始人、总监 eSparkBiz技术,以 移动应用开发公司。 他8年以上的经验使他能够为基于物联网和区块链的新创业公司提供数字解决方案

聊天机器人如何改变教育移动应用的游戏规则? PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。 垂直搜索。 哎。

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